Level 7 DVD


Tailoring, bound buttonholes, welt pockets, notched collars, linings & SEW MUCH MORE!

Alteration skills covered in Level 7: All alteration skills are brought together with additional alteration skills for shoulders, a full back, and vertical darts.

Level 7 DVD: Bring your sewing to the professional level. Learn everything about tailored jackets. The importance of a perfect fit, what determines a perfect fit, and how to achieve it. Easy up to date techniques for welt pockets and bound buttonholes, with each step shown & explained in full detail. Do you want to know the tricks for a truly perfect notched collar? Understand all there is to know about interfacing; the different types, when, where and how to add. We even teach you how to easily make your own interfacing pattern pieces. Learn how to add linings to jackets and other garments, along with some great short cuts for attaching linings If you think tailoring skills are difficult, we will change your mind with Level 7. (120min.)

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